The Weight Loss Page
Welcome to The Weight Loss Page, the place where you can find weight loss stories, nutrition diets and also receive free advice from active experienced personnel.
November 2019, Covid-19 has plagued the world and internationally the world had come to a complete halt. Jobs were lost and many people were put on un-employment. During this time, majority of the world, unless you were an essential worker, was trapped inside their home with their loving significant other, kids and family pets… and as much as you wanted to flee to get a break… the furthest you’d get away is either on the sofa or your bed. No doubt, beer in one hand and food in the other, you’re CHILLAXIN!!! With the gyms being closed and nowhere else to go, you’re bound to gain a few pounds.
Many people struggle today are struggling to keep their weight down. Whether it be your kids begging you to buy them candy, to you wanting to treat yourself to a tablespoon of ice cream, to overeating a gallon of ice cream... everything just seems to not go as originally planned.
Rest assured, the Weight Loss Page is here to provide encouragement to you through real life stories of how some have dealt with losing weight especially during Covid-19. FitCityy truly believes that anyone can get healthy and fit with a regular program of exercise and good nutrition and we are here with you through your journey to make you a better you! Anything is possible. If you strive to be the best you can be, you will definitely attain better health, higher energy levels, and physical wellness.